Sunday, April 10, 2011

Currently: April 10

current project: Finishing up a dress that I'm really not loving. I'll post photos soon.

current music: No music right now. Hearing hubby snoring, and Criminal Minds in the background

current book: This one. My place of employment is undertaking a huge diversity and inclusiveness initiative, which I think is awesome. This book is on the list of recommended readings.
Current shame-inducing guilty pleasure/indulgence: The chocolate and orange fingers that I just made from my One Dough, 100 cookies, cook book. Although they do not look as pretty as the illustration, they taste AH.MAY.ZING.

current drink: Chardonnay with ice. Love drinking this when the weather is warm.

current movie: I watched The Secretary with Maggie Gyllenhaal, and The Cry of the Owl with Julia Stiles on cable over the weekend, both were disturbing in different ways.

current want: OMG. These shoes. Why must they be $633.60??!! Must figure out a way to get these suckas!

current need: Besides those shoes??!! Summer clothing in bright colors (lime, fuchsia, coral). Summer strapy sandals.

current bane(s) of my existence: Weight Watchers, and not doing so well on it. Totally my fault though. I can't help it that I love wine (4 pts. a glass of red, 3 pts. for white) and experimenting with cookie recipes! And delicious, delicious goods. The points system is the BANE of me! I will conquer it though.

current disappointment: Eating about 10 pts. worth of cookies as soon as they were cooled enough to scarf.

current excitement(s): Starting on my fuchsia dress using this pattern. But first I need to finish (and start) the shirt I'm making for my hubby.

current color(s): Fuchsia, blush and mushroom. Trying to get with the brights that are so hot this summer. What can I say? I'm working my way there. Doesn't FUCHSIA count? And hey! BLUSH! It's not bold, but it's a neutral,and that's always good.

current wish list: My current, want, need and wish includes those YSL hot to death leopard pumps. Other than that, I think I'm OK. Oh yeah, I wish to loose 50 lbs. Immediately. *BLINK* I just tried to pull a I dream of Genie move, and it didn't work.

current triumph: I guess the 1 pound I dropped last week.
current inspiration: The thought that summer is right around the corner (finally), and that fall will come right behind it. :)

current scent: Bath and Body Works White Citrus. Yum.

current outfit:


  1. I love this post of the "currents"! Cute. I love those shoes too girl! Anything animal print in my best friend! Thank you for your comment. You look great! kiah

  2. i love that leopard shoe. and love the fashion on your blog.
